I'm Worried About Someone Else
We understand that supporting a loved one through abuse is hard. We are here for you.
Our Helpline regularly receives calls form friends and family who are supporting a loved one who is experiencing abuse. Sometimes it can be hard knowing where to start. Below are some points to help guide you.
Try to understand and take care not to blame your friend for what they are experiencing
Tell them that they are not alone and that many people in the same situation as they are
Recognise the strength it takes to trust someone enough to talk to them about experiencing abuse
They have taken a huge step by reaching out to you
Give them space and time to talk
Try not to push for more details if they don't want to talk about it
Be understanding that they are in a potentially very frightening and very difficult situation
Challenge behaviour
No one deserves to be threatened or beaten, despite what the person being abusive has told them
They are not responsible for the other person's actions
Nothing they do or say can justify abusive behaviour
Be there as their friend
Encourage them to shared their feelings, whatever they are, the good the bad and the ugly
Allow your friend to make their own decisions, this is their life, their choices
Let them create their own boundaries of what they thinks is safe and what is not safe
Don’t push for them to follow any plans or ideas that they don't feel comfortable with
Avoid using 'must', 'have to' 'need to'
Telling your friend that they 'must' leave the relationship if they are not ready to is not helpful to them
They have to make this choice themselves
You can support them, challenge the abusers behaviour and walk with them through the journey, but ultimately this is their choice
It is hard supporting someone through abuse as you want to protect them
It is important that if they are ready to leave they plan how to leave safely
If you notice a change in behaviour, ask them about this, ask if something has happened recently that they want to talk about
If they have been physically hurt, offer to go with them to hospital or to the GP to get checked over
If they want to make a report to the police, support them in doing this. That might mean making the initial call with them or being sat next to them as they make the report
If they making steps to go down the legal route, you could go with them to visit a solicitor or help give them some numbers to call for advice on their options
Create a safety plan with your friend if they need to leave - see our page here for some ideas
Offer the use of your address and/or telephone number to leave information and messages if it is not safe for them to receive these
Offer to look after an emergency bag for them if they want to do this, you can keep this safely at your house in case they need to leave quickly
You can gather information on organisations that can help support them on this journey
Get details of their local Domestic Abuse service who can support them
You ​​​
You are important, you can't support your friend well if you aren't first looking after yourself
It can take a huge toll on your emotional and mental capacity supporting someone through such a difficult and emotional time
Keep yourself safe, don't offer to speak to the abuser or put yourself in an unsafe situation on their behalf
Seek support through our Helpline service if you want to speak about what is happening, our service is confidential